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We aim to realize the concept of a unique and innovative college,
distinct from existing college models.

  1.  We will seek, through our education, to eliminate “the Three Ds of Care Works”—dirty, difficult, and duty-over-wage(kitanai, kitsui, and kurushii  Three Ks in Japanese).

  2.  We will provide our programs for the lowest tuition of any nursing care college in Japan.

  3.  We will welcome students in the fields of science and technology for an integrated nursing care education.

  4.  We will equip our students for a changing world—graduates of our programs will be prepared to take on challenges such as food shortages, disasters, and an ever-changing AI and IT landscape.

  5.  We will provide lifelong support to our students, staff, and donors through our College Partnership ID System.

Provisional Opening Date: April 2025
The photos are for illustrative purposes only.
Our future society will center more and more on human connections over material resources. Formerly, large and prestigious corporations functioned as stabilizing social systems, but the sustainability of this model has increasingly been called into question. In such a volatile society, schools have the potential to function as stable and stabilizing social systems. Schools, of course, provide an environment for the acquisition of knowledge and life skills. But they can also exert an influence on society and on the lives of its members, while themselves remaining relatively unaffected by the forces of societal change. Our school aims to be one team with its students, staff, and donors; through our lifelong support, we want to help our team members realize an innovative life plan. It's our hope that many from all over the world would join this team.
The 100-year life is becoming our reality. Let's build a fruitful future together, through our College Partnership ID System!
Our Innovative Features
College Partnership
A lifelong partnership with our college.
*Conventional Colleges (Launch Model)*
☆Our Innovative College (Orbit Model)☆
The college exists merely as a provider of knowledge.
A system of lifelong mutual support with our college.
Priority System
Partners are assigned a partnership ID and gain claim to lifelong services.
Support of Students through Scholarship and Dormitory
Various scholarships
Save on expenses by living in the dormitory
Expand Your Career Network
We will continue to assist students’ careers after graduation.
Partnered Care Facilities
Teaching Staff/Government Employees
Companies Where Your Special Skills Are Appreciated
Higher Learning
 (Four-Year Higher Education Plan)
A Curriculum to Prepare Students for the Future
An Original Dual-Focus Education System
You too can become a caregiver for the future world!
We Cultivate Students’ Adaptability to Future Societal Changes
A Special Training Program for Caregivers
Three Unique Caregiver Courses
Equipping caregivers with the skills to adapt to tomorrow’s world.
Nutrition Focus
AI/IT Focus
Disaster Response Focus
A Favorable Educational Environment
A Location Full of Academic Merits
① On the eastern tip of Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture, this area facing the Pacific.
② Coast is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
③ Students can study in this comfortable environment.

Traditional Industries  (Making Soy Sauce) 


Renewable Energy Sources


A Vast Geopark with Beautiful Coastline Scenery


A Center for Medical Science Industries

Community Cooperation and Innovation
As an educational institution, we seek to lead in the innovation of our community by partnering with both traditional and future industries as well as local citizens.
Students can enjoy a comfortable college life with the whole city as their campus!
Students can receive on-the-job training at the excellent local caregiving facilities partnered with our school.
Students can enjoy a comfortable college life with the whole city as their campus!
Private rooms are available for each student.
A comfortable lounge is available for students to socialize.
The dormitory provides the perfect environment for students to concentrate on their studies.
A comfortable lounge is available for students to socialize.
The dormitory provides the perfect environment for students to concentrate on their studies.
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